Soluciones y Tecnologías de Control Embebido S.A.P.I. de C.V. [email protected] +52 1 833-389-4054
Tabla 2. Controls Description of Output Channel A, similar to Channel B and C
Range of Values
“Invert digital
Mark/No mark
Unchecked: the output will be positive logic. With mark:
the output will be negative logic. In positive logic, the
output is always at “0V” voltage level and only goes to
“5V” during pulse emission and for a time given by
“width A”. In negative logic, the output will always be at
“5V” and will go to “0V” only during the emission of the
pulse and for the time “width A”. To change or revert the
control, press on the control area.
“Delay A (us)”
0.1 us - 6553.5 us Defines the time that will elapse from the detection of
an input event on channel “IN” and the start of output
pulse “A”. To change its value, you must touch the
numerical value to open a keyboard.
“width A (us)”
0 – 65535 us
Defines the duration of the output pulse emission. For
example, in positive logic, it will be the time that the
pulse will be at the “5V” level before returning to the
“0V” level. In negative logic, it will be the time that the
pulse will be at the “0V” level before returning to the
“5V” level. If the width of the pulse is defined as a value
of “0”, then virtually the output will not emit any pulse,
that is, it will be disabled. To change its value, you must
touch the numerical value to open a keyboard.
By pressing this button, the values that have been
defined in the previous controls will be applied to the
DG-3O1I-17 instantly.
Pressing this touch button will return to the main
window Fig. 11.