To ensure correct switch operation without the remote test
1. Check open loop operation by attaching an ohmmeter to
terminals 1 and 3. The meter should read 5 ohms or less with
no magnet in the proximity of the switch.
2. Check closed loop operation by attaching the ohmmeter to
terminals 2 and 3. The meter should read open/infinity with
no magnet in the proximity of the switch.
3. To check tamper loop operations, attach wires to terminals 5
and 6 through the conduit hub. The meter should read open-
infinity with the switch lid off.
Place the lid on the switch and press it into position. The meter
should read 1 ohm or less.
Now introduce a defeat magnet to the upper right side of the
switch. The tamper loop will open and the meter will read open/
infinity. Remove the defeat magnet. If the switch performs as
just described, follow the Installation Instructions.
Installation Instructions
Models: 2814T, 2817T
For Doors Opening Inward to the Protected Area (Figure 2)
Mount switch only after verifying correct operation.
1. Place supplied switch housing template as close as possible
to bottom of door header. It may be necessary to remove
some types of door trim to provide a flat mounting surface.
Mark four mounting holes and drill with a #24 (.152" dia) drill
at least 5/8" into solid structure. Mounting screws are #10,
thread-forming, type AB.
2. Remove switch lid, disconnect ohmmeter and power leads.
3. Install switch with appropriate fasteners to assure secure
4. Install rigid conduit.
5. Make terminal connections as indicated in Figure 1.
6. Apply RTV mounting compound to lid and conduit hub to
prevent moisture seepage. Replace switch lid.
To ensure correct switch operation with the remote test
1. Check open loop operation by attaching an ohmmeter to
terminals 2 and 3. Meter should read 5 ohms or less with no
magnet in the proximity of the loop.
2. Check closed loop operation by attaching the ohmmeter to
terminals 1 and 3. The meter should read open/infinity with no
magnet in the proximity of the loop.
3. To check tamper loop operation, attach the wires to terminals
4 and 6 through the conduit hub. The meter should read
open/infinity with the switch lid off.
Place the lid on the switch and press it into position. The meter
should read 1 ohm or less.
Now introduce a defeat magnet to the upper right hand side of
the switch. The tamper loop will open and the meter will read
open/infinity. Remove the defeat magnet.
4. To check the remote test, connect the ohmmeter to terminals
1 and 3. Place the actuator magnet approximately 3/8" below
the switch. The meter should read 5 ohms or less.
Apply 12 VDC to terminals 7 and 8. The meter should read
If the switch performs as just described, fall the installation
For Doors Opening Outward from the Protected Area
(Figure 3)
Mount switch only after verifying correct operation.
When installing the 2814T or 2817T on an outward-opening
door, it is important first to create a flat mounting surface if
the doorframe does not already have one. In figure 3, the
simplest and most typical commercial installation is given.
If the doorstop is less than 2 3/4", a shim may be required
between the switch and frame to assure firm mounting.
1. Fold the supplied switch and magnet template and place in
desired position. The .3" gap distance has already been
measured. Mark all mounting holes and drill with a #24
(.152" dia.) drill at least 5/8" into solid structure. Mounting
screws are #10, thread-forming, type AB.
2. With door closed, mount magnet with appropriate fasteners
to assure a secure hold.
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