Operation of the coded translator is transparent to the user. The Pelco coaxitron is converted into
Pelco RS-422 format.
Proper termination of the video cable is important for reliable coaxitron operation. Both the code
translator and the device generating the coaxitron control code need to be synchronized to the camera's
video signal.The cable should be terminated with a single 75
The video indicator will light when there is video present from the camera on the coaxial cable.
When coaxitron control data is detected, the Rx indicator will light and the TX indicator will also light as
the Pelco RS-422 code is sent. While a camera is moving, the Rx indicator will continue to flash at a
high rate, but the Tx indicator will only flash for new commands or speed changes. If the Rx indicator
flashes intermittantly, check for proper termination.
If an invalid Pelco address is selected, the error indicator will light until this is corrected.
If the indicators show normal operation but the camera does not respond, the data is either not getting
to the camera or the code translator and camera have different data or address settings.
The test mode is useful for solving these problems. When the test switch is on, different code, baud
rate, and address settings can be selected to try to find a combination that works.
Insert the code translator in the video coaxial cable between the camera and the matrix. The video
inputs are a high impedance loop so either can be in or out. Connect the RS-422 output to the
camera's RS-422 in connectors. Set the output code type and baud rate to match the camera's
setting. The switches can be changed with power on and the changes take effect immediately.
Set address selector switches and the camera's address to the same number. With the test pattern
on, a counterclockwise square movement pattern is continuously sent to the camera. This can be
used to verify communication to the camera without a coaxitron input signal
RS-422 Control
P w r
RS-422 OUT
March 2016