About the VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor
The VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor performs real-time loudness monitoring as well as objective
video and audio monitoring of MPEG-2, H.264/MPEG-4 and H.265/HEVC streams and offers a unique
web browser based Remote Video Wall capability providing full visual status from anywhere. The VB7880
Advanced Content Extractor enables operators to inspect massive amounts of content services beyond
human eyeball capability with dependable alarming on objective parameters having QoE impact.
In addition to providing automated Objective QoE of large amounts of services, the VB7880 offers
thumbnail and metadata extraction for up to 100 streams (TV multicast streams or OTT) concurrently,
depending on the license. The VB7880 with its RVW (Remote Video Wall) capability is ideal for visual
at-a-glance monitoring in the NOC, VOC, head-end or remotely via any standard web browser.
The VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor is typically inserted before scrambling insertion in the head-end
and the extracted metadata and decoded imagery is fed to the VideoBRIDGE Controller. Disruption of
descrambling services is one of the main causes for service production disruptions in the head-end, and
for the first time cost-effective monitoring of scrambling is available.
VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor User’s Manual version 5.2