5.3. Remote Control
Fig. 3 Remote control
1. Mute
It turns the volume off / on.
2. Standby
It switches the receiver on / off (standby mode).
3. 0-9
Number buttons. They are used to select TV channels, radio
channels or menu options.
4. Freeze
It stops / plays the picture.
5. Aspect Ratio
It is used to change aspect ratio 4:3 or 16:9 mode.
6. Guide
It is used to show electronic program guide.
7. TXT
It is used to switch the teletext on / off.
8. Help
It is used to show help window.
9. OPT
It directly opens
10. Return
It is used to switch back to the previous channel.
11. OK
It shows the channel list or confirms the choice in the menu list.
They are used to change the displayed options and channels to be
They are used to decrease / increase the volume. When “menu”
function is active - left / right line movement.
14. Menu
It is used to open up the menu.
15. Exit
It is used to exit from the menu. Changes are not saved.
16. Info
It is used to show the information on the current channel or program
on the TV screen.
17. Vol + / -
It is used to increase / decrease the volume.
18. Ch +
It is used to switch the channels.
19. Page up / Page down
They switches between pages in channel and file lists.
Colored (hot buttons)
Red, green, yellow, blue buttons can be programmed to control the
most frequently used functions.
21. TV/R
It is used to show the providers list (IP Radio or IPTV) and set it
22. SUB
Not active now.
23. Timer
Not active now.
24. LANG
It is used to select audio track.
Media Player Control Buttons:
Record, Play, Pause, Stop,
Rewind, Skip Back, Skip Next, Fast Forward.
They are intended to control Media player.