Doc #OI0003 Part #004122 Rev 04 2010
The capacity of your batteries alters depending on how much load you
are placing on them. Peukert’s Constant is part of a calculation that
alters the theoretical battery capacity depending on the load placed on
the system. This setting should only be changed by a suitably qualified
person after the analysis of the battery specifications and system
This feature reduces the charge current
automatically as the battery temperature rises above the temperature
specified in Limit Charge above. It reduces the charge current by the
Limit Rate for every degree C that the temperature is above the
temperature specified.
With the settings we program into the inverter at the factory the charge
rate will drop 10% for every degree Centigrade over 45
C. eg 0 charge at
Charger Settings
This tab shows all the settings relating to the voltages and currents used in the various charge stages.
The normal charge cycle involves a four stage charge – Initial, Bulk, Absorbtion and Float– while periodically it
is necessary to go one stage further, for the performance and longevity of the pack, to the Equalise stage. We
will describe each of these stages as we progress. Please note there is a slider at the bottom of this page to
move to more settings as this section is quite extensive.
Our default charge settings should be considered as safe for most battery types. Exact charging
parameters should be confirmed from your battery supplier