Version No. 1-1 - 09.11.2022
Doc. No. 99755520B001
6 / 27
5. Functional principle
The air inside the control cabinet is moved over a laminar heat exchanger through which a coolant medium
runs, making use of the counter-flow principle. The fan blows the warm air along the aluminium fins of the heat
exchanger; it cools down and is then returned into the cabinet. The heat exchanger fan runs constantly,
providing continuous circulation of the air in the cabinet. This circulation prevents hot spots within the control
cabinet. During this process, the coolant heats up and is returned to the coolant supply system at an increased
In order to save operating costs, and in the interests of environmental protection, the water temperature can be
reduced by re-cooling systems or cold water sets so that it can be reused in the heat exchanger. This process
involves the water circulating in a closed circuit.
1. Air intake cabinet side
2. Radial fan cabinet side
3. Heat exchanger
4. Air outlet cabinet side
5. Water in
6. Water out