1 Specifications
Engine Type:
4 stroke radial engine
Performance (hp/kw):
6 / 4,4
Bore / stroke (mm):
30 / 28,2
Diameter / length (mm):
245 / 190
Weight (kg):
Recommended propeller:
26×14 two-blade / 24×14 three-blade
Maximum speed (rpm):
Fuel mixture (petrol/oil):
Ignition type:
electronically, with electronic igntion
Power supply:
11,1 V
Power source:
Lipo 3 cells á 3,7V (in series)
Engine built (month/year):
2 Engine installation
For a secure and reliable mounting, the motor bulkhead should consist of 8-10 mm thick
multi-laminated plywood.
Do not use rubber bumpers!
Variant a) Motor bulkhead with preset side pull:
Mount the motor directly to the motor bulkhead and use for this M5 screws, strength class 8.8
(DIN EN ISO 4759-1) and only self-locking nuts. The screws should protrude at least three
turns of the nut.
Variant b)
The motor bulkhead is straight and the side pull is adjusted by shims:
Please provide assurances that the motor is mounted stress-free and without distortion. Use
for this M5 screws, strength class 8.8 (DIN EN ISO 4759-1) and use self-locking nuts.
The screws should protrude at least three turns of the nut.