SOTF . Trigger
[Protection Para / SOTF]
Ipeak> . Pickup
“-”, I> . Pickup, I>> . Pickup, I>>> . Pickup, Ipeak> . Pickup, Prot .
Assign the type of pickup signal that triggers the SOTF module. If the assigned pickup signal is issued, the SOTF
module itself picks up.
SOTF . ExBlo
[Protection Para / SOTF]
“-” . . . Prot . Pos OFF
External blocking of the module if the state of the assigned signal is true.
SOTF: Input States
SOTF . ExBlo-I
[Operation / Status Display / SOTF]
Module input state: External blocking
SOTF . Trigger-I
[Operation / Status Display / SOTF]
State of the module input: Assign the type of pickup signal that triggers the SOTF module. If the assigned pickup
signal is issued, the SOTF module itself picks up.
SOTF: Signals (Output States)
SOTF . Active
[Operation / Status Display / All Actives]
[Operation / Status Display / SOTF]
Signal: active
SOTF . Trip
[Operation / Status Display / Trips]
[Operation / Status Display / SOTF]
Only available if:
• SOTF . Definition = Trip
Signal: Trip
SOTF . Alarm
[Operation / Status Display / Alarms]
[Operation / Status Display / SOTF]
Only available if:
• SOTF . Definition = Alarm
Signal: Alarm
7 Protection Parameter
7.16.3 SOTF: Input States