Galeo S / Galeo S Sub
11 Declaration of conformity
Declaration of conformity
EG Declaration of conformity
These products
Galeo S
/ Galeo S Sub
confirm to the following EU guidelines, including any additions:
2006/42/EG, EC-machinery directive
BGI 810-3
The following standards have been applied:
DIN EN 62368-1
DIN EN ISO 12 100
Declared by: Winfried Seeburg, SEEBURG acoustic line GmbH
Place and date: Senden, 01.01.2018
Legally binding sign: ____________________________________________
The attachments constitute part of this declaration. This declaration certifies conformity with the
listed guidelines, but does not guarantee any product characteristics. The safety precautions listed
in the product documentation must be observed.
SEEBURG acoustic line Produktions- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
Auweg 32
89231 Senden
07307 / 9700
– 0