MMI-BUS devices
Mounting and installation, Technical Description, T 811 086 en e
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MMI-BUS devices
The MMI-BUS is a serial data bus for connecting external devices and indication and control maps. Up to 15 participants can
be connected to each MMI-BUS and operated up to 1,200 m from a control panel. For security and reliability reasons, the
data line and power supply are redundantly implemented, whereby they are separately conveyed.
Using the address switch, you have to set the participant address (1 to F) on each participant of the MMI-
BUS that has already been assigned with the software projection. The physical sequence of the devices is
unimportant; however, each address can be allocated only once.
The defined features must be taken into account (e.g. per control panel max. 8 indication and control maps,
max. 3 printers etc.). The maximum possible distance of the last MMI-BUS participant is derived from the power
consumption of the connected participants and the cable cross-section of the power supply. Each MMI-BUS
participant is potential decoupled and has to be locally earthed.
MMI-BUS participants in the first version are
MMI-BUS schematic drawing
Fig. 82 MMI-BUS schematic drawing
MMI-BUS technical data
max. 1,200 m
max. 15
Transmission type:
RS485 bidirectional, 38.4 kBd
EMC, ESD by means of Transzorp diodes
Mechanical design:
sub-D plug, 9-pin, metallised map case (screen connection)
MMI-Bus cable (unscreened):
LF-2YY 2x2x0.5