Depending on the setup, upon starting gui-
ded navigation, 3
alternative routes
will be proposed. These 3 routes
correspond to the route options selected in
this function: Quick, short and economical
Route criteria: meaning
Blue route
: Economical route: it is calculated seeking a
balance between savings in terms of kilometres and
Red route
: Quickest route to the destination, although it
involves diversions.
Orange route
: Shortest route to the destination, al-
though it requires more time. The navigation route may
include unusual route sections, e.g. dirt roads.
Select the route desired by pressing on the
The criteria setup in the menu
Route options
will be modified accordingly.
If you do not select any route, navigation to
the destination will begin after approximately
one minute depending on the settings in
Route options
Navigation instructions (spoken
recommendations for driving)
After calculating the route, you will hear the
first navigation instruction. Before turning
you may hear up to 3 navigation instructions,
for example: “Turn left shortly”, “Turn left in
300 metres” and “Turn left now”.
Press the setup button to repeat the last
navigation message.
The distances indicated largely depend on
the type of road and the speed at which you
are driving. For example, on motorways the
instructions are given significantly earlier
than in cities.
On roads with several lanes, on roads that di-
vide and on roundabouts, the corresponding
navigation instructions will also be given, for
example: “On the roundabout, take the sec-
ond exit”.
Upon reaching the destination, you will hear
the indication that you have arrived at your
dynamic navigation to the destination
you will be informed of any traffic incidents
received. An additional announcement is giv-
en if the route is recalculated due to traffic
congestion. An announcement will be given
when sections of the route are excluded man-
During an acoustic indication, you can modi-
fy the volume with the control
to define a
minimum or maximum volume level. All fol-
lowing announcements will then be made at
this volume.
For other acoustic indication setups, see
nouncement setup
If you miss a turning during route guidance
and are currently unable to turn back, keep
on driving until the navigation system offers
a new route.
The quality of the instructions given by the
unit will depend on the navigation data avail-
able and the traffic reports received.
Press the
function button in the main
navigation menu
The function button
is only displayed
when the guided navigation is activated.
Function button: effect
Stop Route
: stops the guided navigation underway.
New destination
: Enter a new destination
accept it in the destination pop-up window as an inter-
mediate or final destination.
Route information
: view information related to the route
: stores the destination currently selected in
the destination memory.
Route list
: shows the roads you must drive along on
the route, as well as the respective section.