Sears 917.25200 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 917.25200

Страница 1: ...5200 CAUTION Read Rules for Safe Operation and Instructions Carefully Assembly Operating Maintenance Repair Parts owners manual 15 H P SUBURBAN TRACTOR SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO U S A SIMPSONS SEARS LIMITED CANADA PrWM Ill USA ...

Страница 2: to start engine 8 Disengage power ro ott Jchments stop engine remove ignition key o nd set parking broke be fore l oving operator position 9 Disengage power to ottachnenrs Slop anginc remove ignition key and ser pork ing broke before mok ing ony inspection repairs or adjustments 10 Disengage power to attachment when tron port ing or not in use 11 oke all possible precovtion s when leaving veh i...

Страница 3: ...or overspeed engine Excessive speed is danger ou s and shortern engine life 26 When using TRACTOR with mowers A Mow only in doyl ight or in goQd a rtiflcol light 8 Never make o cutting hel9ht adjustment wh ile engine Is running if operator must dismaunt to do so C If mower chute should beeome clo9ged shut engine off dlsengo Je mower ond dis connect sparlc plug before undogging chute 0 Check blode ...


Страница 5: ...ight land or LH Left Hand iJJ used It should be understocxl to mean as if one re seoted on the troctor seat facing forward l Rernove cartot1 from around Tractor and remove battery Cut banding holding Tractor to bottom of crate 2 Your 7 roctor hC5 bHn completely ossemble l at the factory except to fill charge crnd install the battery The battery was shipped dry Instruction ore given on pages Sand 6...

Страница 6: ..._ _ __ _ z ELECTROLYTE BATTERY CELL READ CAREFULLY ALL SETTING UP OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUC TIONS IN THIS MANUAL YOU W ILL FINO MANY HELPFUL POINTERS WHICH W ILL NOT ONLY SAVE YOU TIME BUT WILL HELP OPERATE THE TRACTOR MOST EFFICIENT LY battery installation FIG 3 1 To lift cowling top ossembly A grosp eoch side of cowl1ng 01 rear and pul I cwtword ond up wa rd Lift cowling to Its extreme f...

Страница 7: ...ten the nLit mok lng sure that the seat plate has nat tw isted ou of olign nenl with the sect spring 2059R l7 l n 6 instructions before operating STUDY RULES FOR SAFEOPERATION BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE bKome tho roughly fami Iiof with the Rules for Safe peraJion liste d on pages 1 and 2 ond with the opero1ing controls before s tart ing t he eng ine KNOW THE CONTROLS AND HOW TO STOP QUICKLY contro...

Страница 8: ...STICK 7 u FIG 9 5 To lift cowling top assembly grasp each side of cowling ot roar a ld pull ovtword ond upward L 1ft cowling to its extreme position 6 Engine crankcase is shipped with oil reody for use However remove oil filler cap and dipstick and check oil level before torting If necessary add oil to bring oil level up to the full merle on he dipstick When checking oil level push di p stick asse...

Страница 9: to Fig 7 1 Pull out choke control C to full choke position to s ort in cold weather or if Trector has not been operated for some time 5 Advance throttle lever D to about throttle 6 Turn ignition ke y E c ockwise to start position After engine starts release key Push in choke control C os engine worms up Let engine wonn up before oppl ing lood CAUTION Do not run starter continuously for more tha...

Страница 10: ...a safe place out of reach of c 1i ldren Neve leovo en gine runn ng with Tractor vnot ended 5 D not o erate the Troctor in high gea going down h II end do 1101 turn sharp omers while go1ng down hII I If t is necessary to sropT rocror W li le g ing down hill do so uickly to prevent Tractor from picking up ipeed durinQ the de c lutching to broke p sition NOT The enyi11e produces cor sidercblo brak in...

Страница 11: position Tractor con then be towed at o reasonab le s afe s pe ed r10t faster than 6 miles p r hour engine pulley grooves to use for your various attachments l f ENCINE ENGINE PULL EY l MAIH DRIVE BELT COMPOST MILL ROTARY SWEEPER POWER SPRAYER CLEAR WORK AREA OF OBJECTS WHICH MIGHT BE P1 CKED UP AND THROWN 2059R 17 l 72 TO TRANSMISSION 10 SICKL e 8 AR MOWER ROTAR Y MOWE K 1 ROTARY SNOW AL T ERH...

Страница 12: ... or eng ine d irect ly behind the stoner a ir screer ore designed to keep gross ch crff and Iorge leo OS from entering tfte cooling syitem and mus t be cleane d periodically The cleaning oi he screens wi ll very with the cond ition in wh ch the tractor is JSco They ov i d not be allowed to become plugged or d irty which would interfere with the coo ling of the engi ne Remove the fixed a ir screen ...

Страница 13: ...LETELY ASSEMBLED clean system 19 1 Gro s 0 chaE ncy c log cooling S Stem after pro longed ervice in cuttiug dry 9ra es or hoy Continued op rot ion with a clogged cooling syste m causes s vere overheoHng and possible engine damage Remove blower housing and c le an re gulcrly 2059R 17 1 72 12 O LFILLPL J FIG 20 1 Change oil in engine eranlcco c after first 5 hour of operat ion Engine 5hould be warm ...

Страница 14: ...Gear Sec tor and Arm E Check oil in engine crankcase at leo5t every 5 hours of normal op ration BE SURE OIL LEVEL IS MAINTAINED Change oil fter tirst 5 houn of normal operation Thereafter change oiI every 25 hours of normal operotien In extremely dirty or dusty condition5 change oil every 5 or 20 hours of operat ion F Ch d oil in transoxle transmission every 50 hours of operation Change oil In tra...

Страница 15: ...ld ps tint botw n rich and leon so the engloe runs moorbly H tJid tbrottl at idle positl n set rdle spe ft a vs l irn screw until fast idle is obtained 1200 RO A 1c ld throtttl in idle position ond tum idle vorv in leon ono ouJ rich until eng ine idle smoo thly Tn n reset id le so ed so that eng ine idl es at 1200 RPM Relco othrottlc c mg lne should occelerote without hesrtofion or sput tering If ...

Страница 16: Inflated to 10 to 12 lbs of air in front 8 lbs in rear To repair o pi Jnctvred FRONT t ire 1 Us Se111s Tractor Jcck or block wl eel up on a solid object high enough for the t re to clear floor 2 Remove hex bolt A ond dust cop 8 FIG 29 20 9R 1 7 1 72 1 6 FIG 30 3 Remove gnpco nut C wear was er D pin E and washer F from spindl shaft assembly G Refe to Fig s 30 ond 31 FIG 31 4 Reverst1 procedure f...

Страница 17: ...piUfi ENGINE MISSES OR LACKS POW ER Dirty s torte r olr c reen Partially pi ugged air cleaner Low oil level or diny oil Improper JRelo1 ad justmen1 Spark plug dirty wrong gop or wrong type Engine overloaded Faulty ignition Bel15 sl ivs Oil in gasoline Poor compress lon Clcon screen over stQTtwrt s pcall e ll Eh Cgre fin5 on cylinder head ond around cylinder oro clean Remove and clean refet to engf...

Страница 18: ...I advantage of the uscblo life built into the hott ry cr1d ovoid cost ly replacement 1 Check solution level in battery at least once ench wo k Add di tillcdwoter when requlfed Correct level is bottom of ubos in cells refer to poge 5 Aher adding water run the engine so that the generator charge will mix the solulion DO NOT OVER FILL 2 Keep the battery clean Remove any collect 10n of gre ase Ocr oth...

Страница 19: ... FILL FUEL TANK INDOORS WIPE UP SPILLED GASO LINE BEFORE STARTING ENGINE KEEP GASOLLNE IN AN APPROVED CLOSED CONTAINER 2059R 17 1 72 l9 general 1 Just as your automobile needs professional mcchcmic d moi ntenonee from t in1e to timG1 so doc s your air coo led ngine Cleaning and od 1us hnen1 of rhe c orburetor and period lc repIace men oi the spark plug and ign11 ion points is made necessary by NOR...

Страница 20: ...5200 7 1 6 I J 91 c o92 38 A B C D E F G H J K l M 95 0 P Q R V 79 lfso t ss iss Y9of93196lf96 f 97fi9smloa_94 1f1ooV1o1Y1o2 s4 s6 s1 B 94 a1 a1 81 91 a n9s 91 91 I 81 87 co J89 671Dl95 t eo89 a9 67 92 ti D92 57 91 CJ92 l J58 r J92 2059R 17 1 72 21 3 5 ...

Страница 21: ...trol 22 9396E Square Key 78 3929H Lock Nut 23 634A404 Pulley 79 5551P Screw 24 Spacer 80 3012P Hex Fin Bolt 25 9524H Muffler 81 26 634A394 Belt Guide 82 27 640R Belt Retainer 83 28 8704H1 Spacer 84 29 1518P Flat Washer 85 30 Bolt 86 31 6433H Support Cover 87 550P Nut 32 347H Nut 88 3156P Head Screw Filter 33 8238H Spacer 89 34 634A390 Weld Guard 90 3027P Plain Bolt 35 4939M R Cotter Pin use 596919...

Страница 22: parts 19 I 15 J4 I 5 I 18 I 2o 2 1JR 17 1 77 15 H P SUBURBAN TRACTOR MODEL NO 917 25200 28 23 ...

Страница 23: ...3 16 x 1 x l4 Ga Seating Front Axle with Bearing Inc Key No 2 Hug lock Nut 5 8 11 U C F Rtng Spindle Complete R H Flonged Bearing lockwa hcr 3 8 Nylok Nut 3 8 24 UNF Washer 9 32 x x 14 Go Grease Fitting Hex Bolt 5 8 11 x 41 S Spindle Complete L H Tie Rod and Joints Washer 49 64 x 1 x 16 Ga Steering Bell Crank Weldment Drag Link and Joints Grease Fitting Steering Geor Sector and Arm Front Tire Tire...

Страница 24: ...ts 48 A B lfss 69 70 71 o e o72 75 76 IJ62 D77 w D 78 lJ 80 J QR 1 7 1 72 2 b 3 15 H P SUBURBAN TRACTOR MODEL NO 917 25200 _27 _ 0 71 C 062 H J K M N 0 P 163 64158 i 66 67 68 2 71 73 71 72 w D74 D 62 CD62 1 62 2 ...

Страница 25: ...304H 29 6461H2 Transmission Pulley 61 3053P 30 9204H Lock Nut 1 2 20 UNF 69 1506P 1 6364H Control Knob 70 1560P 32 6A77H Range Shift Rod 71 1004P 33 6442H Shift Rod Brod e 72 1001P 34 2511 P Corter Pin 3 16 x 1 73 1003P 35 634A22A 6elr Gu ide 74 508P 36 8327H Sq Key 1 x 3 75 I002P 3 8778H Wheel Hub Rear 76 lOOOP 38 631A38 Tronsmissior ess Brake Drum 77 SOOP 39 2209R Brocket Neutral Safety Switch 7...

Страница 26: parts 15 H p SUSURBAN TRACTOR MODEL NO 917 25200 F G A 8 C D IQl 53 W47 j4ay49 vso j sl ffs2 Ill n CS P56 57 sa 58 D59 D60 8 c 8 2059R 17 1 72 27 H t Il54 ...

Страница 27: ...2004P 21 1544P Was her 1 5 32 x 59 64 x 16 Ga 22 64i9til Belt Guide Finger 53 3022P 23 6635H Flat Idler 54 51lP 24 lOOlP Lockwasher 7 16 ss 3003P 25 500P Hex Nut 7 16 14 56 1003P 26 920 411 Lock Nut 20 UNF 57 l002P 27 6461H2 Ttlltlsmission Tronsaxle 58 l004P Pulley 59 l685H 28 2228Ml Woodruff Key 3 16 x 60 503P 29 7648Hl Bralce Drum 30 7645H Broke Lini ng 31 634Al68 Broke Brockt t As cmbly 32 634A...

Страница 28: ... 17 7552H I ey Frome Bia_ck 18 3115P Hex Bolt 20 UNC x 5 8 41 6987H2 Ammeter 19 1002P Lcekwosher J 112 2257R Voltage Regulator 20 22l1R Fuse Holder 43 103R Solenoid 2 1 2223R Leaded Wire M Pos1 on Switch 44 543P Hex Nut ft10 32 UNF to Short Terminol on Engine 45 634A383 Generator Mount Assembly Bioc k 46 1006P loc wosher 10 22 8147H L eod W ire Headl ights to Switch 47 l358R Terminol Cover Pink 48...

Страница 29: ... I repa1r parts 27 25 rn GD 1 81 23 22 21 2059R 17 1 72 15 15 H P S U3URBAN TRACTOR MODEL NO 917 25200 3 17 16 31 2 4 6 7 8 ...

Страница 30: Red Ground Coble Block Battery Electrical W ire Wh ite Attachment Safety Switch Neutral Saf ty Switch Electrica l Wire Starter Switch Mounting Stud to Solenoid Mountmg Bolt Black Starter Swilch Solenoid Headl igh Ground Wire Head Iight to Ground Bia k Lead W ire Headl ights to Switch Pink Ta iI light ligh Sw1tch Electrical Wire Fuo e to light Orange Fuse Fuse Holder Lead Wire Ammeter Terminal t...

Страница 31: parts 2059R l7 1 72 15 H P SUBURBAN TRACTOR MODEL NO 917 25200 4 5 33 2 I 11 QJ 9 r I I 8 J 15 I 1 IJ 4 1 ...

Страница 32: ...h Speed Pinions 18 6270H Oil Seol 59 7397H Needle Searing Caged 19 504P Hex Nvt 5 16 18 60 633A24 Reverse Idler Gear Bearing 20 1007P Lock Washer 5 16 Extra Heovy 61 7392H Reverse Idler Thrust Washer 21 541 p Hex Jam Nut 7 16 20 62 6216H Shift Fork Shoft 22 7384H Reverse Idler Shoft 63 6 61 H Shift Fork l H 23 5001P E Ring 64 4926H Snap Ring Cresent Type 24 4894H Needle Beor ing 65 6262H Shiff r Q...

Страница 33: ...notes 2059R 17 1 72 35 ...

Страница 34: ...notes 1059R 17 1 72 36 ...

Страница 35: ...notes 1059R 1 7 1 72 37 ...

Страница 36: ...hen applying for adjustment under guorontoo ond olso when ordering rc poi port 2059R 17 1 72 TRACTOR GUARANTEE ISSUED TO REMEMBER ONLY SEARS HAS IT A NATIONWIDE SERVICE ORGANI2ATION COAST TO COAST FACTORY APPROVED PARTS AND EXPERT FACTORY TRAINED MEN SERIAL NUMBER MOD EL NUMBER DATE OF SALE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A modern low cost full protec ion Moi n1enonce Agreemen t IS available on this product...
