Sears 917.25061 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1





Содержание 917.25061

Страница 1: ...ODEI NO 917 25061 CAUTION Yeod Rulesfor Sofe Operotion ond lnstrucfions Corefully Assembly Operating r Maintenance r Repair Parts SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO U S A SIiIPSON5 SEARS LII IITED CANADA KU v another free manual from www searstractormanuals com ...

Страница 2: ...eris shifring inro n e u t r o l s e h i n g p o i n 9b o k e s o p p i n g e n s i i e ond romoving key 10 Do noi stop or stort suddenlywhensoins uphill or downhill Drlve r p onddownrhe foce of steep slopes never ocross the foce 11 Reduce speed on slopes ond ii shorp turns to preventrlpping or loss of confol ExqcLse ex tremecoutionwhei chdnsinsdiredion on slopes 12 Stoy ole for holes in terroin o...

Страница 3: o cuitine helshr odi srmenrwhile engine is ruinins if operotormusi disFount 3 Shut ensineoff whenremovinggross corcher ondlor unclossins chute 4 Check blode mountingbolts for propertishn ness ot frequent interyols reference drowing for qssembly ond instructions STEERING WHEEL TAILLIGHT SHIFT LEVER lowronge SEAT FOOT REST THROTTLE CONTROL BELTGUARD MUFFLER TRACTOR DRIVE BELT RANGE hish HEADLIGHT...


Страница 5: ...ensineeredond monulocrured ro give you the besr possible dependobilltyondper Shouldyou experienceony problemyou connoteosily remedy pleoseconroctyour neoresrSeorsRoebuckor Simpson 5eors Ltd Store They hove well quolified comperent rroinedrechnicionsond the p ope tools to serviceor repdir It is inportont thot the oper tor ALWAYS0BSERVE THE RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION os well os orher in skuctions cont...

Страница 6: ...S WHICH l ILL NOT ONLY SAVE YOU TII E BUTWILLHELP OPERATE THETRACTOR I IOST EFFICIENT LY 57AR I2 72 5 Instoll bollery os shown so thot positive ond negorive terminols ore to front of noctor Hook o bofiery bolr B into bo ery slppo C A5semblebotteryclonp D flor wosher E cnd wins nut F 1o bo ery bolt 8 Do not tighten wino nut tioht A5seFble rhe orl er bo lery bolt ro ppo5ire side of Trodor Pos tion c...

Страница 7: ...tlon brokeqnd drive clutch There ore h166 posilions o operotion o i e foot pedol o T h e c l u i c h i s i n D R I V E b o s i l i o nw h o nt h e pedol is oll the wdy out i e when the foor is removedfrom the pedol b The clutch is in NEUTRAL whenrhe pedol is deprcssedholf woy or more c The BRAKE is on when the pedal is pressed oll the woy forword 2 FIG 7 The honsoxle ilonsmission geor shifi lever ...

Страница 8: ... hood ossenbly srosp eoch side of hoodor reor ond oull ourword ond uoword Lifr hood ro its extrena forword po5ition 6 7 Engine cronkcoseis shipped wirh oil reody for use Howev r heck oil level before stoaing lf necessory cdd oil ro bring oll level up to the futt mork on the dipstick Dipsrlck must be screwed in riohr or checkirq oil level ond rroeor shouldb elevel NOTE Do not fill obove full mqrk o...

Страница 9: ...nsine does not storl move ihrofile contol D fo fqsl posirion Woit for two mln tes thenny 5 To srop ensine turn key B in d co rnteF clockwisedirectionro OFF posiiion Key should be removed so childrei con not stdrt Trodor REMOVE THTI6NITION KEY KEEP OUT OFREACH OFCHILDREN 2 Puil out chokeconrrol C to foll chokeposirion to srort in cold weoiher 3 Advoncerhrotle contlol lever D to obout role operorrng...

Страница 10: ...nsine producasconsideroble brok in9 oction when thro led bock ro idling spoed wirhour declJtchinq This procedure is re commendedbefore opplyinq broke DONOTOPERATE TRACTOR ACROSS SLOPES DO NOT OPERATE TRACTOR UP OR DOWN SLOPES WITH MORE THAN A 15DEGREE SLOPE 6 Do not shift geors while going up steep hills Choosed low enoughseor ro climb hill wirholt stoppingond shlfiins geors It ii is nccessory ro ...

Страница 11: ...CH ANDTHROWN The siorter screen suord A ond the sto4er ro talins screen locored direcily behind rhe srorrer screen sucrd ore desisned ro keep 9ross cho f ond leoves from enterinsthe ooling sysrem They m u s t b e c l e o n e dp e r i o d i c o l l y T h e c l e o n i n go f rhe screenswill vory wiih the condirionsin which the Trocior is used Thev shouldrot be ollowedro becomedilry This would inrer...

Страница 12: ensine cronkcosedfter H0URS of operotion Engine should hen oil is hoiaed To droin oil removeoil droin plus A fronj end of engine Corch used oil in c o n l o i n e r R e p l o c eo i l d r o i n p l u g FIRST 2 NOTE THEBEST Tll E T0 DRAIN OILlSAT THEENDOF A DAY s OPERATION THE OILISHOTANDALLDIRT AND FOREIGN I ATERIAL IS sUSPENDED IN THE OIL II lPORTANT BEEXTREMELY CAREFUL TO PREVENT DIRTORFOREIG...

Страница 13: ...trovel from clurch ensosedto full brokeposirion or centerof idler is obout4 1 inchesobove rode Tab on idler brockeiwill deflecr belt slishtly Tishren iom nur osoinsiiunbuckle to lock iuh b ckle in posirion Keep broke properlyodiustedespecioTiyin hilly tenoin po rk broke lock odiuslmenl To tishte porkinsbrcke loosenhex nuis A ond B Rotoreporklnglocl lever to lock posirion By hondpressfoot o e d o l...

Страница 14: ...l Loosen boli C in flol idler ond push bolr down in sloi o fione 2 T ohtenboli C in flo iole securely Mdle 5urebelr guide inseron 3 R l c e b e l t s u o r d 8 F i e 2 0 l O f e r o o t p d l s h o u db e n v e i c o lo r l u s i b o c o f v e r t c o o o s i to n until cenierotldlerpulley D is 7h lnches bolr C cleorsbelropproximorely l 8 inch wirhclurchengosed FtG 20 2578R 1 2 72 t3 t another fre...

Страница 15: ...gincmonuo Cl on odiusr the sop or reploce Rofor ro snsino HARD TOSTART D fcctivobottlry S rvic or ropldc D t cfiv ignitlon or loosewiring Chcck wiring cnd sporkplug ENGINE Ii ISSE5 ORLACKS POWER Cl on scr on ov r6torr r so pos 10 B luru fin on cyllnd f h cd ondcround cylind ro cl on Remove ondclccn Rcfarto ngin monuql Addor chongc oil sle pogoll R efer ro onginc monuol Cloon r s i rh gop or rcploc...

Страница 16: ... Your bottery is of rhe some hish srondordos is used in outomobiles unfolrunorely it does not fiove rhe odvonroses oI outomoti oriention by rhe s rvice stolion ottendonr os the one in your cor The followins points ore recordedro help remind yo to providoottentionlo the bofery ond goin ull odvontogeof rhe usoble li e builr inro rhe bofery ond ovoid costly replocements l Check solution lev l in bofe...

Страница 17: ...s os close os yoor nearesrSeors Store 3 A yeorly che k upor r ne p by Seors is ogood ideo to ovoid breokdowns or deldys Do ir eq h fcll rhen you re reody for sprins We even pre pore it for storogefor yo wint 3 4 Pleose rememberthe necessity of proper winter core for the boitery Bolleries not in use to severol n nths oid not kept fully chorsed produceo sul photion of the plotes which connorbe renov...

Страница 18: ...STOM IOXL TRACTOR MODEL NUIABER 9I7 2506 18 n il o 20 60 t r ABCDEFGHIJKI M 9 9 _q F 4 E 8 ft V Y H 6 6rErr r r rr Ei 81 eD l9 39 40 4 lJ m W N i l 17 2578R r 2 72 another free manual from www searstractormanuals com ...

Страница 19: ...lns ArmAssembly Woodruff Key3 16x 5 8 BrokeArmAssembly EngineTle Brocker E1sine Crofismen l0HP Model No 143 629012 SeePrice Lisr 932 00 Forordering InstfLrclions SlotedFil Hd Mqch Screw w semsLockwoshe 28 x HexNur5 16 18 Ensine Mouniins Block serSc ew HexSockei Hdless 3 8 16x 3 8 Sq Keyrl x2 EnsinePulleyw Sel Screw Acl olor SofetyStoriSwiich CoirerPin l 8 x l DESCRIPT ON BellG ideAssembly HeorSh i...

Страница 20: ...p 76 72 L7 6f I I O d N zz t 6 E o 2 53 1 54 f ot a4 52 I l B sz ABCDEFGI I EHeggHqEi gBeaEgga B 92v 2 ZgaB 7 A 95 sd e e3 e4 Xetfr e firr j3 28 2s 28 66 28 J K I M NO gBB g 6 r r cs 67 g6 s6 s7 P OR5 T U V W E q 9 8 9 B9 8rr t or3rr9 2 11 r f 7e z e 80 srl4482 sl ry i r_L d _ 19 another free manual from www searstractormanuals com ...

Страница 21: ...y Sieerins B shins HexN 17 16 14 Wosher 15 32x 59 64 16co HexBalt 7 16 14x 3U BeitG ideFinser Tire T beless 7 50x l2 ShiftRonge Rod ShitrRodBrockei ChuteLeverWeldheni HexBolt 20 x 3li Clurch l lub Weldmenr ClutchLeverStopWedment Switch Plote lmplement Sofety Swllch Wdsher 49 64 x lLt x 16co Sree ins Sho t Assembly ClutchRet rnSprins Wcsher l7l32 x l l x ll Go HexNul 1613 Lockwosher 5 16 HexNli ll1...

Страница 22: ...ports CUSTOM l0XLTRACTOR I IODEL NUL BER917 2506 23 24 2t 22 r l i 1 34 i_1 _ 1i i 7 b 48 l9 l I 17 iE s352 49 v 50 l _ 16 _ r 4 _ iir i6 d r 2578R 1 2 72 21 another free manual from www searstractormanuals com ...

Страница 23: ... 30 6263Ht 3r 103672 32 6217H 33 6260H u 6272H 35 7392M 36 62t5H 37 6277H 2578R 1 2 72 KEY PART NO N0 38 8lr8M 39 6266H 40 633A14 4t 6221t1 42 8559H n28M 44 633A32 45 8 9M 46 6275H 47 633441 48 4002P 49 4003P 50 9204H 51 7648H l 52 6271H 53 400t P 54 3087P 55 633433 56 6276H 58 4895H 59 1370H 60 633A31 6t 633430 62 633A1I 63 62t8H 64 6231H 65 4894H 66 7392H 67 5001P 68 ll53R 69 6216H 70 6262P 71 4...

Страница 24: ...rr porrs CUSTOM IOXL TRACTOR ODEL NUMBER 917 2506I a o o zs Y tu 5 I G i 3 V r Y r nP 6 89 l0 lt i lll a r t I s tY r 9 r A o 1 20 7 I I irx 2578R 1 2 72 another free manual from www searstractormanuals com ...

Страница 25: Light Bulb Toil Lishr Lens Toil Lighr ToilLighr Slorted TrussHd Moch Screw 10 24x t t Toil Lisht Brockei Lockwosher 10 HexNut 10 24 Wins Nut washers 16 x 3 4 x 16Go Boftery Clomp BolleryBolt Bqttery HexNur 20 Ground Sirop Lockwdsher 5 16 HexNut5 16 18 LockwosheFExrernql HexBoli 5 16 18 x 7 8 PhillipsPonHd Moch Sfiew 10 24x 3 8 type r DESCR IPTION Mounting Clip Rubber Spocer HeddLisht Eneine l0H...

Страница 26: ... und6r suoronroo d n d l s o w h e n r d e r i n s r e p o n p o r s S E R I A LN U M S E R M O D E L N U M B E R D A T E O FS A L E NEMEMBER ONLY SEARS HAS IT A NATIONWIDE SEBVTCE ORGANIZATION COASTTO COAST FACTORY APPROVED PARTS AND EXPERT PACTORY TRAINED MEN i ffi n_K 0s rAo TrNF gEffi q A rnodern low cost full prod cl coveroge up to purchosed wiihin30doys Store MAINTEN ANCE AGRE EMENT protecti...

Страница 27: ...ARTS ALWAYS GIVETHEFOL LOWING INFORMATION A5 SHOWN IN THISLIST r l ThePART NUMBER 3 2 ThEPART DESCRIPTION4 I I MODEL 917 2 5 NO o6l TheMODEL NUMB ER 917 25061 TheNAME 0F ITEM Troclor 5EARs SERVICE 15AT YOURSERVICE WHEREVER YOU LIVE OR MOVE IN THE U s A Whenyou buy merchondise lrom Seorsyou gei on extro something thot nobodyelse con offer Seors Service Across lown or ocross the country whereveryou ...
