2. IntroductIon
SPrAY Gun toucH-uP SuctIon FEEd PALM
controL 1mm SEt-uP
Thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this spray gun will, if used according to these instructions and
properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
PLEASE rEAd tHESE InStructIonS cArEFuLLY. notE tHE SAFE oPErAtIonAL rEQuIrEMEntS, WArnInGS And cAutIonS.
uSE tHIS Product corrEctLY And WItH cArE For tHE PurPoSE For WHIcH It IS IntEndEd. FAILurE to do So MAY cAuSE
1. SAFEtY InStructIonS
4.2. Pressure feed cup
Air pressure for atomization
is controlled by the
regulator, fluid pressure at
the cup regulator. For heavy
fluids and internal mix
nozzle spraying, the fluid is
adjusted by the control
screw on the gun.
4. InStALLAtIon
Standard Set-Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Air Consumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6cfm
Pot Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240ml
3. SPEcIFIcAtIon
4.3. Pressure feed tank,
single regulator
Air pressure for atomization
is controlled by the
regulator, fluid pressure at
the tank regulator.
4.4. Pressure feed tank,
double regulator
Air pressures for
atomization and fluid supply
are controlled by two
individual air regulators on
the tank.
4.1. Syphon feed cup
Air pressure for atomization
is controlled by the
regulator. The amount of
fluid is adjusted by the fluid
control screw (A) on the
4.5. Pressure feed,
Air pressure for atomization
is controlled by the
regulator, fluid pressure at
the fluid regulator.
Familiarise yourself with the applications, limitations and hazards of this spray gun.
Keep this product in good working order and condition.
Take immediate action to repair or
replace damaged parts.
Use recommended parts only.
Unapproved parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the
Use the spray gun only for its intended purpose.
Ensure that the space needed for use and maintenance of the tool is adequate.
Use appropriate safety equipment. As a minimum, we recommend an air fed face mask.
A full
range of personal safety equipment is available from your Sealey dealer.
Keep the work area clean and tidy and free from unrelated materials.
Ensure that the work area has adequate lighting.
Keep proper footing and balance at all times.
Keep the spray gun pointed away from your body and from other people in the work place.
Ensure that the spray gun is disconnected from the air supply before servicing, changing
accessories and when not in use.
do not
direct paint or air at yourself or others.
do not
allow smoking or open flame in the work area.
do not
carry the spray gun by the hose.
do not
tamper with, or adjust, the safety valve.
do not
use whilst tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or intoxicating medication.
Ideal for blowing in small areas of panel where fine control of paint and air is necessary. Features
adjustable paint flow and fan width controls. Supplied with aluminium cam type suction feed pot.
Suitable for use with waterbased paints.
Original Language Version
SG6T.V4 Issue: 1 - 06/11/13