InstructIons for:
Racking UniT WiTh 4 MESh ShElvES
900kg capaciTy pER ShElf
MoDEL no:
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and
properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
1. SafETy inSTRUcTiOnS
plEaSE REaD ThESE inSTRUcTiOnS caREfUlly. nOTE ThE SafE OpERaTiOnal REQUiREMEnTS, WaRningS & caUTiOnS.
USE ThE pRODUcT cORREcTly anD WiTh caRE fOR ThE pURpOSE fOR Which iT iS inTEnDED. failURE TO DO SO May caUSE
DaMagE OR pERSOnal inJURy, anD Will invaliDaTE ThE WaRRanTy. plEaSE kEEp inSTRUcTiOnS SafE fOR fUTURE USE.
1.1 gEnERal SafETy
Ensure Health & Safety, and local authority regulations
are adhered to when assembling and using these shelves.
Locate shelves in a suitable area where they will not be an
Keep the general area clean, uncluttered and ensure there is
adequate lighting.
Erect shelves on a level and solid surface such as
Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the storage
use the shelves
for any purpose other than that for
which they are designed.
site the shelves out of doors.
get the shelves wet or use in damp or wet locations or
areas where there is condensation.
clean the shelf suports with any solvents which may
damage the coated surface.
Ensure that the shelves are properly assembled before loading
them with heavy items.
Maximum load for each shelf is 900kg.
Where possible the unit should be fixed to the wall with
suitable fixings
Place heavier items on the lower shelves.
Where possible heavier items should be evenly distributed across
the shelves.
3. cOnTEnTS
2. inTRODUcTiOn
carefully unpack the product and check the contents (fig.1)
against the list below. should any items be missing or damaged
make immediate contact with your sealey dealer.
part Description........................................................... Quantity.
upright frame .............................................................................2
cross Beam.................................................................................8
Wire Mesh shelves .....................................................................4
4. aSSEMBly
We recommend that this shelving unit be assembled by two
people. the only tool required is a rubber mallet. Do not use a
hard faced hammer as this will damage the surface finish of the
cross beams. Make sure that all the clips lock in place securely
before using the unit. Do not use any parts that are damaged
and/or distorted as these may assemble incorrectly and result in
an installation that is unsafe and which may cause injury or
damage when the shelves are loaded.
See fig.2
. support one end frame 'A' in a vertical position and
attach the end of one cross beam 'B' to it at the base of one of
the uprights. Ensure that both tags on the end bracket engage
properly with the slots in the upright as shown in the inset
diagram above. tap the cross beam gently next to the end
bracket so that the beam is properly seated into the slots in the
upright. connect the other end of the beam to the second end
frame at the same height and tap into place.
Attach another cross beam 'B' to the other side of the end frames
'A' ensuring that it is at the same level as the first cross beam.
fully painted steel frame with four heavy-duty mesh shelves.
Industrial structured beams offers added strength with 900kg
capacity per level, giving a maximum capacity of 3600kg per
rack. Boltless design means no tools required to assemble. clips
together in minutes. suitable storage solution for workshop, body
shop, warehouse and agricultural environments.
height: 1828mm
Width: 1830mm
Depth: 600mm
AP6572E IssuE no:2 04/11/08
incORpORaTing EXTEnSiOn pack WiTh 4 MESh ShElvES
MoDEL no: