The Z-Wave Smoke Sensor ZHS08 is designed to give early warning of developing fires
by giving off the alarm sounds from its build-in alarm horn, based on Z-WAVE technology.
It is the Z-WAVE plus product, it support the security, OTA... Those newest features of
the Z-WAVE technology. Z-WAVE is a wireless communication protocol designed for home
automation, specifically to remotely control applications in residential and light commercial
environments. The technology uses a low-power RF radio embedded or retrofitted into home
electronics devices and systems, such as lighting, home access control, entertainment sys-
tems and household appliances.
This product can be included and operated in any Z-WAVE network with other Z-WAVE cer-
tified devices from other manufacturers and/or other applications. All non-battery operated
nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability
of the network.
The device adopt the Z-WAVE 500 series chip, when your Z-WAVE network system is all
made by Z-WAVE 500 series devices. The network system will have the advantages as
• Concurrent multi-channel support reduces external interference.
• Better RF range, improve about 10 meters in indoor.
• Support 100 Kbps transmit speed, speed up communication.
Add to/Remove from Z-WAVE Network
There is one button on the device. It can be used to add, remove, reset or association from
Z-WAVE network.
In the first time, add the device into the Z-WAVE network. First, make sure the Gateway is in
the add mode. And then insert battery to power on the device. Press the button once to start
the NWI (Network Wide Inclusion) mode. And it should be added in 5 seconds.
Including a node ID allocated by Z-WAVE-Controller means
. Exclu-
ding a node ID allocated by Gateway means
or “Exclusion”.
Logging in (inclusion) or logging out (exclusion) of the sensor
By pressing the Test and programming switch 3x within 1,5 seconds, you confirm
the inclusion and exclusion of the device.
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Schwaiger
ZHT01 product. Below you will find useful operating guidelines.
Notice 1:
Always RESET a Z-WAVE device before trying to add it to a Z-WAVE network
Notice 2:
When the device into NWI mode, the sensor functionality will useless. The NWI mode will
timeout after 30 seconds. You can press the button 3 times to abort the NWI mode.
Notification Report (V4)
Notification Type: Smoke (0x01)
Event: Smoke detected, Unknown Location (0x02)
Smoke Alarm Test (0x03)
Sensor Binary Report (V2)
Sensor Type: Smoke (0x02)
Sensor Value: 0xFF
Notification Report (V4)
Notification Type: Home Security (0x07)
Event: Tampering. Product covering removed (0x03)
Sensor Binary Report (V2)
Sensor Type: Tamper (0x08)
Sensor Value: 0xFF
1. Have Gateway entered inclusion mode.
2. Pressing button three times within 1.5 seconds to
enter the inclusion mode.
3. After add successful, the device will wake to receive the setting
command from Gateway about 20 seconds.
1. Have Gateway entered exclusion mode.
2. Pressing button three times within 1.5 seconds to enter
the exclusion mode. Node ID has been removed.
Notice: Use this procedure only in the event that the primary Gate-
way is lost or otherwise inoperable.
1. Pressing button four times within 1.5 seconds and do not
release the button in the 4th pressed, and the red LED will light ON.
2. After the red LED flash 9 times, release the button within 2 seconds.
3. IDs are removed and all settings will reset to factory default.
Association 1. Have Gateway entered association mode.
2. Pressing button three times within 1.5 seconds to enter
the association mode.
Note: The device support 1 groups. This group is for receiving the
report message, like triggered event etc. This group support 8
nodes maximum.
Failed or success in add/remove the node ID can be viewed from Gateway.
Z-WAVE Notification
After the device adding to the network, it will wake-up once per day in default. When it
wake-up it will broadcast the “Wake Up Notification” message to the network, and wake-up
10 seconds for receive the setting commands.
The wake-up interval minimum setting is 30 minutes, and maximum setting is 120 hours.
And the interval step is 30 minutes.
If the user want to wake-up the device immediately, please press the button once. The
device will wake-up 10 seconds.
Z-WAVE Message Report
When Smoke Sensor detects, the device will report the trigger event and also report the
battery status.
In default the device will using Notification Report to represent the trigger event, it can be
changed to Sensor Binary Report by setting the configuration NO. 7 Bit4 to 1.
* Smoke Detected/Test Report:
When the Smoke Sensor detects smoke, the device will unsolicited to send the smoke de-
tected (0x02) report to the nodes in the group 1. When the device is in alarm test mode,
the device will unsolicited to send the Smoke Sensor test (0x03) report to the nodes in the
group 1.
* Tamper Report:
When the tamper is pressed, the device will into the alarm state. In that state, if tamper is
released, the yellow LED will light on and the device will unsolicited to send the report to
the nodes in the group 1.
When the event triggered, the device will report the messages to the nodes in the group 1.
The messages also include the tamper status.
Power Up Procedure
When the device power on, the device will check is it already adding to the network? If
doesn‘t, press the button to start the NWI mode. Until timeout or the device successful to
inclusion by Controller. NWI mode can be aborted by pressing the button 3 times.
* Wake
When the device power on, the device will wake about 20 seconds. In this duration, the
Controller can communicate with the device. Normally the device is always sleeping to save
the battery energy.
Over The Air (OTA) Firmware Update
The device support the Z-Wave firmware update via OTA.
Let the Controller into the firmware update mode, and then press the button once to start
the update.
Please don‘t remove the battery,
otherwise it will cause the firmware broken, and the
device will no function.
After update finish, it is recommended that the user power up the device.
After remove the battery, please wait about 30 seconds, and then re-install the battery.
Dear Customer,
should you require technical advice and
your retailer could not help please contact
our technical support.
Schwaiger GmbH
Würzburger Straße 17
90579 Langenzenn
Hotline: +49 (0) 9101 702-199