01.00|1344367_NST3 |en
Number of clamping modules
Min. nominal hose width (hose
internal diameter)
6 mm
8 mm
When decoupling hose lines, the pneumatic plug-in connection or
the sealing nipple must be protected against the ingress of dirt or
cooling lubricant. The sealing nipple comes with a plastic cover
NST3 400-250
Depending on the design of the machine table, the clamping
station is mounted on the machine table with screws size M12 or
M16 according to DIN EN ISO 47 10.9. There are two alignment
grooves on the bottom of the clamping station for mounting loose
T-nuts to be used for aligning the clamping stations. These allow
for precise alignment along an alignment groove. Alignment to the
machine table is also possible by installing a centering pin and an
alignment pin. The NST3 400-250 has two G 1/8" connections for
separate functions. One air connection for unlocking and one air
connection for the turbo function. Supply is via the sealing nipple
for locking couplings type NW 7.4 (accessory). The clamping
station can be retrofitted to the supply points at both air
connections with a separately available connecting strip