iTENDO² Charger
01.00|Ident-Nr. 1494155|en
Function description
The iTENDO² can be charged by placing the electronic connector on the iTENDO² electronic con-
tact. Maintenance
Danger from tripping over loose cables
Do not install cables within the operator´s range of motion
Danger resulting from damage to the charger due to electrical
Protect the charger from moisture and incoming wetness, only
clean dry
Before charging the electric surface and the charging contacts on the charger must be free of
metal chips or other conductive materials, otherwise there is a risk of short circuit.
To charge the iTENDO², the charger must snap into place on the iTENDO² electric.
The attachment is correct when the orange charging indicator LED on the charger is lit. If the LED is
not lit, there is insufficient contact between the tool holder and the charger. If the LED lights up
green, the iTENDO² is fully charged. The charging status can be checked in the app.