5 PC Interface Board
Rev. 1.9 e
6 Developing User Applications
innovators for industry
6.8.3 Example Code
The following example C source code shows how to
catch an error during initialization. It ensures the
program will terminate with an error message
• if an error occurs during initialization with
5 board was
• if the desired RTC
5 board (here: the board with
serial number 12345) is not detected,
• if access is denied to the desired RTC
5 board,
a version mismatch, file or system error).
The code must be included in a user program (see
UINT ErrorCode;
ErrorCode = init_rtc5_dll();
if ( ErrorCode )
// Reading the number of RTC
5 boards detected during initialization with
const UINT RTC5CountCards = rtc5_count_cards();
if ( RTC5CountCards )
// Detailed error analysis for all detected boards
UINT AccError( 0 );
for ( UINT i = 1; i <= RTC5CountCards; i++ )
// Errors which occurred during execution of
const UINT Error = n_get_last_error( i );
if ( Error != 0 )
AccError |= Error;
const UINT SerialNumber = n_get_serial_number ( i );
printf( "RTC5 board number %d (serial number %d): Error %d detected\n",
i, SerialNumber, Error );
n_reset_error( i, Error );
if ( AccError )
printf( "Initializing the DLL: Error %d detected\n", ErrorCode );
// Reading the internal board number for the desired RTC
5 board
const UINT SerialNumberOfDesiredBoard ( 12345 );
const UINT RTC5CountCards = rtc5_count_cards();
UINT InternalNumberOfDesiredBoard ( 0 );
for ( UINT i = 1; i <= RTC5CountCards; i++ )
if ( n_get_serial_number( i ) == SerialNumberOfDesiredBoard )
InternalNumberOfDesiredBoard = i;
if ( InternalNumberOfDesiredBoard == 0 )
printf( "RTC5 board with serial number %d not detected.\n", SerialNumberOfDesiredBoard);