5 PC Interface Board
Rev. 1.9 e
6 Developing User Applications
innovators for industry
6.2.3 Initializing the DLL and Board
Any number of RTC
5 boards can be used simultane-
ously in one PC. Moreover, the RTC
5’s DLL allows
multi-threading as well as multi-processing;
therefore also any number of applications (user
programs) can be used simultaneously. However, no
board can be simultaneously used by multiple appli-
cations. Access rights (even if temporary) to existing
boards are assigned on an exclusive basis by the DLL.
Multiple threads of
application can use the same
board, but can not send commands to it at the same
time (the DLL automatically serializes the command
DLL-internal board management coordinates usage
of different boards by different applications. Board
management is initiated via the command
prerequisite for RTC
5 access and must be called at
the beginning of every application – even if only
5 board is to be used by only
The command:
• searches for all existing RTC
5 boards
• establishes corresponding board management
• automatically assigns the application access
rights to the found boards (as long as access
rights are not already assigned to another appli-
• assigns DLL-internal numbers for all found RTC
boards (important for multi-board commands)
• sets one board as the active board, which will be
the target for non-multi-board commands
For a detailed description, see
Further commands enable subsequent changes to
access rights and changing the active board. Usage of
multiple boards is described in
5 Boards in One Computer", page 83
usage by multiple applications is described in
chapter 6.7 "Usage by Multiple Applications",
page 85
After DLL initialization via
, the user can
additionally select one of two operation modes (see
). The default is RTC
5 mode. An RTC
compatibility mode is also provided so that applica-
tions written for the RTC
4 can be processed by the
5 (to a large extent) without modification.
However, a prerequisite here is that the program can
only contain RTC
4 commands that also exist with
unchanged functionality as RTC
5 commands. This
user manual’s list of commands (
), when
applicable, notes such changes in the
5” section (also see
Parameter Resolution" on page 33
(1) The usage of all RTC
5 commands is identical under both the
32-bit and 64-bit versions of WINDOWS. Nevertheless, you
must always comply with the formats and value ranges of data
types used in RTC
5 commands (see