Application Note
SG-4: Installing Jumpers for
+12V and Ground on the Guide Port
May 25, 2010
The SG-4 provides mechanically isolated relays to connect the +X, +Y, -X, and –Y signals to the
Common input on the Guide Port. This is sufficient for most applications and all consumer telescope
guide ports SBIG is familiar with.
As shipped from the factory, the Guide Port pin-out is as shown here:
When one of the guide signals (+X, +Y, -X, -Y) activates, the SG-4 connects the signal to the Common
pin on the Guide Port. The Common pin and the NC pin have no other connection to the internal
electronics of the SG-4.
However, some systems, such as the SBIG Relay Box, may require power (+12V) and/or Ground on the
Guide Port. The Common pin can be connected to the SG-4 Ground and the NC pin can be connected to
the SG-4 +12V power signal if necessary.
This application note describes how to install jumpers in the SG-4 to c12V and Ground to the
Guide Port.
NOTE: Be aware that this procedure is not recommended for most users and should only be done if you
know for certain that you need +12V and/or Ground on the Guide Port. If you are not sure, DO NOT
follow this procedure.
Santa Barbara Instrument Group
147-A Castilian Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
Phone (805) 571-7244 FAX (805) 571-1147
e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.sbig.com