Saia Burgess Controls
| 9
27-680 ENG02 – User's SW-Manual for the HMTL5 panels PCD7.D5xx
Touch screen calibration
Touch screen calibration
System Setting Calibration allows to calibrate Touchscreen device and can be accessed
by the tap-tap procedure.
Tap-tap consists in a sequence of several touch activations by simple means of the finger
tapping the touch screen performed during the power-up phase and started immediately
after the HMI is powered on.
When “tap-tap detected” message appears on the top of the screen, wait for 5 seconds
(without touching the screen) to enter System Settings sub menu
Press on touch screen, “Touchscreen calibration” voice will be highlighted in yellow, hold
pressed for few seconds until touchscreen calibration procedure starts.
Follow the instructions on screen to complete the calibration procedure, system will
prompt to touch specific points to calibrate the touchscreen device.
In compliance with the above regulations the products are CE marked.