Sauter flexotron®800
Appendix I
Appendix I
Frequency converters
When communicating via frequency converters through Modbus, it is sometimes
necessary to change certain settings in the frequency converter. Below are described
what settings are necessary in the various models:
Vacon NXL
No settings necessary.
No settings necessary.
Omron V1000
Connected via RS485:
R+ is connected to S+
R- is connected to S-
R+/S+ is connected to B on port 2
R-/S- is connected to A on port 2
The following parameters must be set from the display of the frequency converter:
H5-01 (0x425): Slave address, set to = 1 for Supply air fan and = 2 for Exhaust air
H5-07 (0x42B): RTS Control, set to = 1 (enabled) for activation of RS485
o1-03 (0x502): Frequency reference units, set to = 1 for 0-100%.
H5-03 (0x427): Parity, set to = 0 (no parity)
Default values should be used for remaining parameters. The following values may not
be changed:
H5-02 (0x426): Communication speed, default =3 (9600)
H5-04 (0x428): Stopping method after communication error, default = 3 (no stop)
H5-11 (0x43C): Communication Enter Function, default=1 (Enter command not
H5-12 (0x43D): Run command, default=0 (bit 0=forward start/stop, bit 1= reverse
b1-01 (0x180): Frequency Reference selection 1, default = 2 (via Modbus)
b2-01 (0x181): Run command selection 1, default = 2 (via Modbus)
Emerson Commander
Connections RS485-RJ45:
RJ45:2 (orange) is connected to B on port 2
RJ45:7 (white/brown) is connected to A on port 2
Eventual termination resistor is connected between RJ45:1 (white/orange) and
RJ45:8 (brown).
If Modbus communication is not initialised after powering up, disconnect the termination
resistor and try again.
Connect terminal B4 (Drive enabled) to B2 (+24V)
Connect terminal B5 (Forward) to B2 (+24V)