Printer registration manual-Real-time Light for PW208NX
Before using SOS, SOS account is necessary.
Please contact nearest SATO local office or our contracted business partners.
Connect a printer to SOS
Push the power button on the control panel until the LED lights up in blue and turn on the printer.
An initial icon is displayed at the top of the printer screen, but it is not yet connected with SATO.
Please make the following settings to link the printer and use account.
The printer firmware is old, SOS is not supported. And SOS icon is not displayed.
Firmware version 3.2.3-r2 or newer version is required.
1. Network setting.
Network requirement for SOS
In order to connect the printer to SOS using the network,
It is necessary to enable communication on the Internet with the following port numbers.
Port number:
*Outbound only
Connection method 1
Through a firewall (DNS setting required for printers)
Connection method 2
Through a proxy server (Proxy server setting described below is necessary)