58 Programming
5.2.2 Printout contents
The options define what kind of information will be contained in the printout.
5.3 Other options
Permitted "simple" access codes
[Simple codes] – with this option enabled, with this
option enabled, it is possible to use codes containing less than three different digits (e.g.
1111 or 1212) or consisting of consecutive digits (e.g. 3456).
Notify of necessity to change access code
[Notify of code] – with this option enabled, the
keypad will notify the user of the necessity to change access code, if it is known to other
Confirm commands with "1"
[Confirm with 1] – if this option is enabled, the LCD keypad
will require, in case of some functions, additional confirmation with the key 1.
Clear messaging on alarm clearing
[Autoabort msg.] – with this option enabled, clearing
the alarm can automatically cancel messaging about this alarm, if the user clearing the
alarm has the T
Return to menu from Service Mode
[SM -> menu] – if this option is enabled, exiting the
service mode will be followed by return to the user menu instead of to the basic operating
mode of the keypad.
Return to menu from menu "Test"
[Tests -> menu] – if this option is enabled, exiting the
user function available in the T
or C
submenu will be followed by return
to the submenu instead of to the basic operating mode of the keypad.
Fast module bus communication
[Fast exp. bus] – it is recommended to enable this option
to speed up communication with the modules. The option should only be disabled in case
of extended security alarm systems, where electric interference may cause problems with
No module restart reports
[No rest. mon.] – when the option is enabled and the Contact ID
or SIA format is used for reporting, no event codes referring to module restarts will be sent
to the monitoring station
Service message after tamper alarm
[Inf.aft.tamper] – when the option is enabled, after any
tamper alarm, the keypads can display on LCD display the message informing that service
maintenance is necessary. The message will be cleared after entering the service code
and confirming it with the key.
Backlight off on AC loss
[No AC-no blght] – when this option is enabled, the backlighting in
keypads can be automatically switched off in case of 230 V AC power loss.
Block keypad after 3 wrong codes
[Blk aft.w.code] – with this option enabled, entering an
invalid code (reading in an invalid card / DALLAS iButton) three times will block the keypad
(reader) for 90 seconds. After expiry of that time, each next entry of an invalid code (read-
in of an invalid card / DALLAS iButton) will block the device immediately.
Trouble memory until review
[Troubl. memory] – if the option is enabled, the trouble
memory can be signaled until it will be cleared (clearing the trouble memory is possible
when exiting the function of viewing troubles in the keypad or in the “Troubles” window,
X program).
Do not show alarm if armed
[Hide alarms] – with this option enabled, no alarms will be
indicated in keypads during the armed mode.
Limit events
[Events limit.] – with this option enabled, while armed events from the same
source will be saved into the event log and reported to the monitoring station 3 times only.
Alarming zones review
[View clear.al.] – if this option is enabled, in the LCD keypad the
zones that triggered the alarm can be reviewed immediately after the alarm is cleared.