Installation & Operation Manual Merlin GDP2X
GDP2X - IOM Iss: 7 03-21
Typical Application, Location & Positioning
The Merlin GDP2X is a multi-safe zone gas detection panel which can be used in many applications such as factories,
car parks, shopping centres and most commonly - boiler houses. It can be used with up to eight Merlin gas detectors
(model X) for monitoring and detecting gas including carbon monoxide, liquid petroleum gas and methane. The
controller panel can be integrated with, but not limited to, a BMS (building management system) a fire panel, external
alarms and remote emergency shut-off buttons.
Locations for detectors will vary based on the intended application and target gas, they should be located near
identified sources of a potential gas leaks/ pockets where hazardous gas could quickly accumulate and areas of
identified consequential risk. The composition of the target gas and its density relative to air are used as the basis for
any recommended height of detector placement. Generally, the installation height of a detector for a heavy gas (such
as propane) would be close to the lowest point in the area, and for a light gas (such as methane) would be close to
the highest point in the area. Any recommended heights may vary based on air flow and temperature conditions in
addition to the proposed application and location – this is particularly apparent with oxygen depletion sensors, and the
target gas that they are used for.
Target Gas
Typical Position
Natural Gas/Methane (NG)
High Level - 300mm (1ft) from ceiling
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Low Level - 300mm (1ft) from ground level
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Breathing Zone - 1700mm (5ft 6”) from ground level
Hydrogen (H)
High Level - 300mm (1ft) from ceiling
Oxygen (O
*Breathing Zone - 1000-1500mm (3 - 5ft) from ground level
* If you are installing and monitoring Oxygen depletion – consider the density of gas for its application and position
the detector accordingly i.e. ground level for high density gases.
The control panel should be located away from the area that it is monitoring and accessible is for both status
observation and alarm purposes. The control panel should be located outside of the hazardous area that it is
monitoring. Easy access is required both for status observation and alarm purposes.
Where detector cable runs may exceed 100 metres from one control panel – Contact your supplier!
The use of sound strobes are highly recommended!
Refer to your detector manual for further information regarding coverage, location and positioning including
areas and conditions to avoid!