Off
Off
Grid
Grid
Inverter
Inverter
Off
Off
Grid
Grid
Inverter
Inverter
User
User
and
and
Installation
Installation
Manua
Manua
l
l
P-
P-
30KW
30KW
Please
Please
strictly
strictly
abide
abide
by
by
the
the
warning
warning
and
and
operating
operating
instructions
instructions
in
in
the
the
manual
manual
and
and
machine,
machine,
properly
properly
keep
keep
this
this
manual
manual
well
well
.
.
Before
Before
not
not
read
read
all
all
safety
safety
and
and
operation
operation
instructions,
instructions,
please
please
do
do
n
n
’
’
t
t
operate
operate
the
the
machine,otherwise
machine,otherwise
it
it
will
will
damage
damage
to
to
the
the
equipment
equipment
and
and
cause
cause
personal
personal
safety
safety
accident.
accident.