Play music >
Create your own playlists
You can create your own playlist by adding music files you want.
There are 5 default playlists.
Add music files to a playlist
From the music category list, select a file you
want to add to a playlist, and then press
Select <Add to Playlist>.
Select a playlist to add the file to.
Delete music files from a playlist
From the music category list, select <Playlists>.
Select a playlist that has a file you want to delete.
Select a file you want to delete, and then press
Select <Remove from Playlist>.
To delete all files, select <Remove all from playlist>.
Files deleted from a playlist are not deleted from the
Use the user key
While playing music, press the user key to access various
In the main menu, select <Settings>.
Select <The user key (•••)>.
Use one or more of the following options.
Study mode
Switch from General mode to Study mode.
Select appropriate sound effects for music.
Play speed
Change the playback speed.
Play mode
Change the repeat mode.