6. Select
Customer data in Edit menu to en-
ter data relevant to the plant, e.g. project
name, plant location, operator.
7. Select
Load Factory Defaults in Edit menu
if you want to load default settings onto
the operator interface.
Changing the user level
The user level can only be changed in offline mode.
1. Select
User Level in Device menu.
2. Select “Specialist” from drop-down list.
3. Enter password. This password is “samson“ in the
delivered state.
Modify Password button to open the window where you can change the password.
Properties of data points are indicated by icons on clicking on a folder:
Data cannot be changed
Data can be changed
Data point can be executed
Data point is user-defined
Mark to indicate error
Value has exceeded maximum limit
Value has fallen below minimum limit
Source of data:
Value has been modified manually
Value has been uploaded from the device.
In online mode,
in the icon indicates a value has been updated.
Value originates from a stored file
Value has been adopted from memory pen
EB 5757-7 EN
Configuration and operation using TROVIS-VIEW interface