7.12 Outdoor temperature output
If the analog output AA is not required for air volume control or the request for the externally
required signal and Anl 8 or Anl 9 is not selected, the outdoor temperature is issued as a 0
to 10 V signal at the analog output AA. The outdoor temperature can be measured either
with a temperature sensor at F3 or alternatively using an analog input. The measuring range
is permanently allocated:
0 to 10 V = –40 to +50 °C.
The outdoor temperature can be passed on to other controllers using this function.
Request for externally required signal
Fb20 = OFF
Variable air volume control over AA
Fb39 = OFF
7.13 Locking settings
The controller is protected against unwanted configuration and parameterization. First when
this function is inactivated, the settings in the controller can be changed. The settings for time
and date, times-of-use (for vacations and public holidays as well), the set points for supply
air, exhaust air and room temperatures as well as the set points of the slave loop are not af-
fected by the locking function. The locking function is inactivated by switching it off.
Locking settings
Fb37 = ON
EB 5477 EN
System-wide functions