The S9hD haS iT all --Big power hanDling, Big projecTion,
comBine wiTh “UlTra hi-DefiniTion SoUnD”. iT’S UniqUe DeSign
offerS SUperior performance in a encloSUre ThaT iS STill
manageaBle anD compacT. The SamSon SporTS SoUnD qUaliTy,
form facTor, power hanDling anD fiT anD finiSh are Un-
maTcheD By anyThing availaBle on The markeT ToDay. The S9hD
inclUDeS a paTenTeD “qUick releaSe / roTaTional” clamping
SySTem ThaT can DirecT SoUnD a fUll 360 DegreeS anD fiTS
virTUally any BoaT Tower.
S9HD Owner’s Manual
Models: S9HD
© 2011 Samson Sports • www.samsonsports.com
S9HD Owner’s Manual
S9hD conTenTS: 2 SpeakerS / 2 clampS anD moUnTing harDware
power hanDling: 250w rmS / 500w peak
TweeTer: 26mm TiTaniUm Diaphragm
effecTive cone area: 44.65” Sq. (eqUivalenT To 9.1” miD)
clamp To Tower fiT: 1 7/8” To 2 3/4”
DirecT caST Tower moUnT approveD BoaTS: maliBU, illUSion X, XS,
Tigé alpha Tower, anD cenTUrion (low profile moUnT)
U.S. paTenT # 6,798,892 B2
feaTUreS: SwiTchfire USer aDjUSTaBle croSSover TUning
injecTion molDeD polypropylene cone
weaTher proof rUBBer SUrroUnD
Uni-moUnT chaSSiS aSSemBly
aDjUSTaBle compoSiTe grillS.