EB 7065 EN
Screw gland
(PN 10)
Suitable for pipes and pressure vessels up to
max. 10 bar. Seal the screw fitting. Push in the
sensor with screw gland and coupling nut. Tight-
en the coupling nut.
*) G ½:
Order no.: 1080-4881
G ¾:
Order no.: 1080-4882
Screw gland with clamping nut (PN 40)
For use with pressure up to max. 40 bar.
Tighten the clamping nut (instead of the cou-
pling nut).
*) G ½:
Order no.: 1080-4884
G ¾:
Order no.: 1080-4885
Thermowell with thread
(PN 63) for pressures up to 63 bar
A thermowell must be used in place of the screw
gland if the pressure at the sensor is greater than
the nominal pressure, if the medium to be con-
trolled is corrosive or the controlled system is to
continue to operate while the controller is being
replaced. Screw the thermowell into the sleeve.
Push the temperature sensor into the thermowell
and fasten with the coupling nut.
*) G ½:
Order no.: 1080-4888
G ¾:
Order no.: 1080-4889
Fig. 4:
Mounting parts for sensor · Screw glands and thermowell
The controller may be installed in any posi-
tion. Make sure that the effective length of the
sensor (330 mm) is completely surrounded by
the medium.
Install a reference thermometer close to the
controller to monitor the temperature (and to
check zero).
Mounting position
To install the controller, a coupling sleeve with
G ½ or G ¾ female thread must be present at
the point of measurement. Screw or seal one
of the mounting parts shown in Fig. 4 and 5
into this sleeve.
The mounting parts are not included in the
scope of delivery. They must be ordered sep-
arately. Select accessories required for the op-
erating conditions at the site of installation.