Diagnostic Help / Troubleshooting Guide
and rotate the head half a turn. If the defect is reversed,
one of the side vents is blocked or deformed.
vents with a spray of compressed air. If this does not
reverse, the nozzle is probably damaged.
This deformation is due to a defect in the central spray. It
is necessary to clean the head as described above and
the nozzle. Also check:
The head is well centered on the nozzle,
The nozzle is not too big (needle and nozzle must be
adapted), you work with a sufficient needlen opening,
With an almost closed needle, the product
supply to
the spray
is not regular in all directions.
The pressure of the air sprays at the vents is too high for the
paint flow:
needle. The spray is narrower.
Increase paint flow.
Spray loaded
in the center
Default inverse of the previous one:
Either the paint flow rate is excessive for the adopted
spraying air pressure - You should increase the
spraying air pressure and reduce the paint flow rate.
Either the paint is too thick - You must then dilute it.
Jerky product
The gun is machine-gunned. The phenomenon is caused
by air entering the paint circuit:
The container containing the paint may be empty -
Refill with paint.
The nozzle is not tightened properly and does not fit
properly on its seat - Tighten the nozzle.
If the phenomenon persists, disassemble the nozzle and
clean it.
Check the nozzle seat and cone for damage,
reassemble and secure the nozzle.
Check that the paint is fluid and homogeneous
Reduce air at the vents by closing the adjustment
enough to be vacuumed.
The defect comes from the head - Loosen the ring slightly
Then clean the gun head with solvent and unclog the