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Installation & Operators Manual
The liquid spray system main body is mostly pre-assembled.
Follow these instructions to install the system on the vehicle.
Place the poly tank in pickup bed and secure it.
Place the spray system into vehicle receiver and secure
with provided hitch pin and hairpin.
Remove lid from pump unit. Slide 14" hose WSE127
through back side of pump unit and connect to 90 degree
fitting. Use clamp WSE95 to secure hose properly to fitting.
Install quick connect coupler WSE118 to opposite end of hose.
Again, secure with clamp WSE95.
Assemble the bushing reducer WSE101 to poly tank if
needed, along with a 90 degree fitting WSE112. Insert long
10' hose to fitting and clamp WSE95 in place. Cut the hose
accordingly and finish assembly with a straight barb fitting
along with clamp WSE95. The sraight barb WSE119 will be
used with the quick connect fitting WSE118 on the supply hose
coming from the pump system.
Insert the remaining 14" hose on the manual valve located
in the middle of the spray unit base. Use clamp WSE95 to
secure in place. Place clamp WSE95 on opposite side of hose
and snug for the time being. Once the spray bar is connected,
connect the hose to center section of spray bar barb and
secure with clamp. This hose may need to be trimmed.
To install the WSE164 spray bar, attach the two WSE163
clamp connectors to the spray system bracket. The two
connectors will bolt to the system and will then clamp to
the spray bars. Tighten the spray bars to center section
by threading clockwise on both sides until the o-ring seals
are snug and the nozzles are pointing towards the ground.
Reflective tape is provided to apply on the spray bar as
Electrical connections
Route wire harness WSE154 from spray unit to engine
compartment of vehicle. Make sure the preassembled
connector is located near the spray system. The bare wires
will be routed to the engine compartment where the white
wire will be connected to the positive side of the battery and
the black wire will be connected to the negative side of the
6190120, 6190150, 6190160, 6190170
Liquid Spray System
Mount the 6391001 toggle switch in a convenient place inside
the vehicle cabin. Now route the WSE142 wire harness to the
switch, again make sure to leave the pre-assembled connector
on the spray system side. Once the harness is in place:
Connect the black wire to good ground. Connect the white
wire to the black wire on the toggle switch.
On the toggle switch: Connect the green wire to a solid
chassis ground. Connect the red wire to a "switched"
accessory slot in the vehicles fuse box. See fig #1 for wiring
Do not connect the sprayer to the battery until all other
connections are made. Ensure the wire is fastened
securely in engine compartment and along entire frame.
Use zip-ties to secure properly.