An introduction to salt water chlorination.
Salt water chlorination is the healthy alternative to chlorinating your swimming
pool, the natural way.
Very simply, coarse salt is added to your pool to form a mildly saline solution.
The salinity is kept at a pleasantly comfortable level, being typically one fifth or
less than that of sea water.
The system works by producing chlorine in the unique SALINE BLUE cell in low
concentrations whenever the pump and filter is running, and as the filter runs
for many hours of the day, the pool's total chlorine demand will still be met,
even at these low concentrations.
With the SALINE BLUE system, chlorine is produced by electrolysis of the pool
water as it flows through the cell and returns to your pool.
A major advantage of the SALINE BLUE system is that the chlorine produced in
the cell has no effect on your pool's pH, total alkalinity or calcium hardness,
which is not the case with other chlorination methods, making it easier and less
costly for you, the pool owner, to keep your water in balance.
By automatically chlorinating your swimming pool this way, many of the
problems associated with other chlorination methods, are eliminated.
The process is safe, effective, economical, and healthy and requires only
minimum maintenance.