Using the Keypad
When the Jingl app is running, it is ready for a merchant to enter an amount to calculate.
Jingl can host up to 3 different payment methods that are supported by Albert terminals.
Note that the “No Fee” button is always present so the merchant has the option to not
charge a fee. When the merchant selects one of the “Customer Payment Type” buttons
Jingl will pass that amount to the payment system for processing by Albert.
Toggling GST Purchase Status
The “GST Purchase Status”, (item 1), is configured as “GST included” by default. When
tapped, it will cycle through the possible GST purchase states:
GST Included
GST Excluded
GST Free
If the merchant changes the GST status on the keypad, it will process the amount as
selected, and then revert back to the default after payment has been processed. The GST
purchase status affects the transaction amount to be processed and can be seen on the
amounts on the “customer payment type” (item 4) buttons.
When toggling the GST status on the terminal, the GST status indicator changes colour
when it is not matching the configured default.
Merchants can change the default from the merchant portal at www.getjingl.com
The example above indicates the “GST Included” is the default GST purchase status, and
when toggled to “GST Excluded” is not the default setting used by the merchant.
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