As soon as one side runs out of time,
flashes on the
corresponding LCD, along with the relevant LED. If the sound is
on, you will also hear a sequence of beeps to remind you that the
time is up. The winner is the player who still has time on the clock.
To play again, press and hold PAUSE for 3 seconds or more.
Then you can choose whether to play a game with the same timing
option or choose another timing option. To select another timing
option, use the Timing Option Keys. Whoever plays first simply
presses the opponent’s Timing Activator button to start the clock. If
the Low Battery Symbol appears at any time, we recommend that
you replace the batteries (see Section 1.1 for details).
1.2.1 Blitz Timing
If you are happy to play a game using the Blitz timing method,
simply press the opponent’s Timing Activator button to start the
clock. In a game of Blitz, each player has five minutes to complete
all his/her moves. Under this general Blitz option, you also have a
choice of 6 preset timer methods, in which you have more time to
complete your moves. The preset timer options are as follows:
Timing Option
Time Limit per Game
Preset Timer Option
5 minutes
15 minutes
PCA Active
25 minutes
US Active
30 minutes
60 minutes
The first display you see shows 5 minutes on each clock. To
choose one of the preset timer options, press BLITZ repeatedly
before you start the game to cycle through the options, from Blitz to
Rapid through to Action and so on. The amount of time you have
on the clock for each timing option will appear on the LCDs. As
soon as you have decided which option to choose, press the
appropriate Timing Activator button to start either your own or your
opponent’s clock, depending on who is playing first.
To play a game using another timing method, press one of the
TIMER, GAME, BRONSTEIN) before pressing either of the Timing
Activator buttons. To change the timing option after you have
pressed either of the Timing Activator buttons, press PAUSE for 3
seconds to reset the clocks before pressing one of the other Timing
Option keys.
1.2.2 Hourglass Timing
In a game using the hourglass timing method, your opponent’s
thinking time increases as your own thinking time is being used up.
This makes for a doubly exciting game where you have to make
your best moves in the quickest times possible to avoid giving
more time to your opponent. If your count goes down to zero, you
have lost the game.
Timing Option
Initial Time Limit
Preset Timer Option
1 minute
10 minutes
To play a game using the Hourglass timing method, press
HOURGLASS. A triangle pointing to HOURGLASS appears on the
LCD to show that you have selected this option. By pressing
HOURGLASS you have automatically selected the first Hourglass
preset timer option and the amount of time you have on the clock
appears on the LCDs (in this case, 1 minute).