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UM User Manual (EN) rev. 3.2
Set the volume pulsing LED.
When exiting the certification mode, the changed parameters are reverted back to their default values.
Improved volume resolution on display
In the certification mode, the volume is displayed with more precision, so more digits after decimal
point. This means:
Decimal separator allows 6 digits after m
or equivalent in gallons or ft3, so displayed
0.000001 cubic meters or the equivalent active volume unit on the water Meter.
The integer volume part is limited to the lowest 3 digits.
When exiting the certification mode, the resolution on display is reverted back to default including the
sub-decimal digits surrounding bracket.
Pulse rate of the LED
The LED pulse rate is the typically 50 pulses per liters (see exact value into the table), so distinguish-
ing 0.02 Liter. It is a trade of between pulse period (10ms minimum) and maximal flow to be meas-
With 10ms pulse period, you can have maximum 100 pulses per seconds, so 2 L/s or 7200 L/h for ex-
’s possible to change this LED pulse rate to speed up low flow measurement, but this will limit the
maximum flow than could be measured accurately using LED pulses to 100 pulses/sec max.
This LED pulse is only blinking in the certification mode.