Certification and safety information for the united states and countries
Do wireless phone accessories that claim to shield the head
from RF radiation work?
Since there are no known risks from exposure to RF emissions
from wireless phones, there is no reason to believe that
accessories that claim to shield the head from those
emissions reduce risks. Some products that claim to shield the
user from RF absorption use special phone cases, while others
involve nothing more than a metallic accessory attached to
the phone. Studies have shown that these products generally
do not work as advertised. Unlike "hand-free" kits, these
so-called "shields" may interfere with proper operation of the
phone. The phone may be forced to boost its power to
compensate, leading to an increase in RF absorption.
Driving safety tips
Wireless phones give people the ability to communicate
almost anywhere, anytime. But an important responsibility
accompanies those benefits, one that every wireless phone
user must uphold. When driving a car, driving is your first
Below are safety tips to follow while driving and using a
wireless phone that should be easy to remember.