MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
Compatibility with an Access Control System
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July 17
Serial Port (Output only)
Feature/Function name
SIGMA Series
SIGMA Lite Series
Wiegand or Clock & Data
RS485 (Serial Protocol)
RS422 (Serial Protocol)
Protocol selection
MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal has two serial ports:
One for Wiegand or Clock & Data protocols
One port for RS485 or RS422 protocols
Wiegand protocol
The Wiegand frame includes only the User Identifier (which must be a numeric value).
By default, the message is sent only when the local access control result is positive (access
authorized). But this message can also be sent when the result is negative (access denied). In
this case, the User Identifier is replaced by an error code indicating the reason for access denial.
The activation and format of the outgoing Wiegand frame can be configured by the
administrator through Webserver. Please refer to “Wiegand Parameter Settings” under
The administrator can activate the Wiegand output by configuring the following parameter:
Parameter name
0 or 1
The administrator can set the external port
output type, by configuring this parameter
“0”: it indicates external port type is Wiegand.