MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
Access Control
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July 17
MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal operating modes
Standalone mode or Slave mode
Modes of Operation
SIGMA Series
SIGMA Extreme
SIGMA Lite Series
Standalone Mode
Slave Mode/Proxy Mode
The MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal supports two exclusive operating modes:
Standalone mode, where the terminal runs an access control program that can make
the access decision alone, or with the final authorization from a central access controller.
This mode is described in detail, please refer to the section below,
Proxy mode (slave), wherein a distant system runs an access control application that
uses the high level functions of the terminal. This mode is described in detail in the Proxy
Mode section.
Standalone mode: Identification and/or Authentication
When in standalone mode, the MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal supports mainly two
types of access control processes. These can be used separately or together:
The ‘identification’ process, starts when the user places his finger on the biometric
sensor. This process is described in the “
Access Control by Identification
” section,
The ‘authentication’ process, which starts with the communication of the User ID of
user, for example by the presentation of a user’s contactless card. Next step is the
placement of user’s finger on the biometric sensor. The terminal allows several
authentication processes depending on the location of the reference biometric data, and
on the level of security required. These processes are described in the “ Access Control
by Authentication” section.
Identification and authentication processes can also be activated at the same time, as described
in “Multifactor Access Control Mode” section.