MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
Terminal Configuration and Administration
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July 17
MorphoAccess® Terminal Database Management
Database Management
SIGMA Series
SIGMA Extreme Series
SIGMA Lite Series
From administration menu of
the terminal
From Webserver Application
The administrator can manage the database of the MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal
by using administration menu of the terminal or through Webserver application connected
to terminal.
Adding a user to the database
Adding a user means to create a record of the biometric data of two fingers of the user and a
unique identifier. Users stored in the database are of following types:
Normal Users are the ones to whom access is granted or rejected based on access
rights check
Authorized Users
are the ones which are checked by the centralized access controller,
before granting access
VIP Users are allowed access without performing biometric/PIN check by the terminal.
Read more about VIP users under “Access Control Process for VIP Users”
Administrators are stored also in the user database. Administrators are allowed
access to the management menu of the terminal and perform configurations.
The user’s enrolment is directly done on the MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal without
managing a database on the PC.
Removing a user from the database
Removing a user means deleting the user’s record from the database of the MorphoAccess®
SIGMA Family terminal.
The user can be removed directly from the MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal without
managing a database on the PC.