MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
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July 17
Import Data into Terminal
MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal is capable of importing several files in its local database.
The administrator can import the following files to the terminal by using Import Data
User Database: It is a general practice to maintain a backup of the user database, to
prevent situations such as database loss. Using the Import data functionality, the backup
file of the user database can be imported in the terminal.
Contectless key: The administrator can import the contactless key. The terminal used
the key to identify the card. Terminal can performe the card operation which is not
encoded it self by importing the security key of the card.
Language File: Terminal can support multiple languages. The administrator can
customize and upload the language file in the terminal, by using Import Language file.
The uploaded language will be displayed to the user to select from. See “Language
Configuration” for more information.
Multimedia Files: The administrator can import multimedia content such as Audio,
Video and Images that are played on terminal upon the occurrence of specific events.
Please refer to the “Multimedia menu” to learn as to how to import multimedia content.
Note: Import users in an empty terminal doesn’t automatically turn on the fingerprint sensor.
You have to reboot it.
Importing data into the terminal may take longer duration depending on the data size, which
consequently affects the terminal response time and other operations. Hence the administrator
is recommended to perform import data operation when the terminal is in idle state.