MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
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July 17
Audio Settings
The administrator can configure the MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Terminal to play a
notification sound on the following events:
Access Denied: Audio is played when user verification has failed and access is denied
Access Granted: Audio is played when user verification is successful and access is
Message Attention: Audio is played on instances such as door is left opened
Tamper Detection: Audio alarm is played when tamper is detected
Using Audio settings an administrator can perform the action listed below:
The administrator can upload Audio files using USB mass storage device to specific
folders that can be found in the Multimedia Menu > Audio path. Please note that each
folder will be having a unique name that corresponds to the action or event which leads
to a notification sound. For e.g., the administrator must ensure that the audio that is to
be played on event of a tamper need to be uploaded in the Multimedia Menu > Audio >
Tamper folder.
Set the volume at which the sound should be played
The administrator can delete the audio file corresponding to a given event, in case it is
not required to notify that event with a sound.
Access Path
Access point
Access Path
SIGMA Series
SIGMA Extreme
Multimedia Menu > Audio
The administrator must make sure that the USB mass storage device has been properly
initialized. This implies that the USB mass storage device must have exactly the same
folder structure as displayed on the terminal. For example, the Audio to be played on
tamper detection should be stored in the ‘Tamper’ folder. Refer to “Initialize USB Mass
Storage device” section to understand as to how to initialize a USB mass storage device.