A Safe Fleet Brand
Installation and Operation Manual
Because of the potential differences in fire
ap pa ra tus plumbing and foam system con fig u ra tion, it
is not practical to depict ex act ly how each
FoamPro unit will be installed on a particular
ap pa ra tus. Most of the in for ma tion con tained in the
fol low ing sec tions will apply to most sit u a tions.
Read these sections thor ough ly. Plan and
design where and how to install this equip ment
in the ap pa ra tus
be fore be gin ning
the actual
in stal la tion.
The fol low ing di a grams provide guide-
lines for the location of the system com po nents.
Determine the locations of the components to be
installed, such as foam tanks, foam refill pump/motor
assembly, refill control panel, outboard pickup panel
and placard. Try to place components in locations
that will allow the least amount of hose and fittings.
Locate the foam pump/motor assembly (DC version
only) in an area that is protected from road debris
and excessive heat buildup. The foam pump/motor
assembly should be located as close to the outboard
pickup and placard as possible. Locate the outboard
pickup and placard low on the control panel with the
control module close by.
Plan Ahead
Foam Tank
Foam Pump/Motor Assembly
Panel Pickup Assembly