Data Sheet
Tabletop Infrared Receivers
854, 854P
The SaphIR 854 and 854P are compact tabletop
infrared receivers that accept signals from a wide
variety of IR remote controls. Typically used for
controlling components hidden in a media cabinet
or located in another room, they relay IR signals
to the equipment through a connecting block and
IR emitters.
Each model plugs directly into a local IR connect-
ing block like the Russound 857 or a remote inter-
face such as the Russound IRB-1 in-wall connecting
plate. The attached
” (3.5mm) stereo miniplug
allows for quick and easy connection to the IR
receiver jack in either case.
The stylish, unobtrusive design of the receiver
allows it to be placed on top of a TV or equipment
shelf. A nonskid base keeps the unit in place to
ensure stable reception. Each model has a blue
talkback LED that provides immediate confirmation
upon receiving an IR signal.
Both models feature wideband infrared sensitivity,
wide-angle reception, extended pickup range and
excellent rejection of noise from IR sources like
compact fluorescent lights. A built-in automatic
gain control circuit significantly reduces interfer-
ence problems for reliable performance.
The SaphIR 854P has an additional optical filter
that virtually eliminates interference from plasma
TV displays, sunlight, and other sources of IR
noise. This model’s greatly improved filtering
makes it ideal for use in home theater applications
where plasma or LCD TVs are used.
Each tabletop model employs Russound’s own
microcontroller-based IR filtering circuit to block
interference and allow seamless control of audio-
video components.
SaphIR 854
CFL friendly
SaphIR 854P
CFL and plasma friendly