Scheduling a Crawl
The Add Crawl Window
You can schedule a crawl to be associated with a specific file or files.
There are three ways to schedule a Crawl relative to a file.
Drag the CRAWL icon above the item where you want the trigger
to ‘fire’. The red line indicates the drop point. When dropped into the
list, the Add CRAWL window opens, where you can select the desired
Bug graphic.
The second way to schedule the Crawl is to select the file you
want to associate with the Crawl … then click the CRAWL button at
the bottom of the playlist. The Add CRAWL window will open where
you can manually enter text you want to use for your Crawl message
… or select the desired CRAWL text file, as well as the display
properties of that crawl message.
The third way to schedule a Crawl is to right-click the file you want
to associate with the Crawl. A fly-out menu will appear. Select Add
Crawl … and the Add CRAWL window will open for output selection.
Use this window to
manually enter a Crawl message
or select text
from an existing text file. You will also enter the offset times when you
want the Crawl to appear and disappear relative to the file you are
associating with the Crawl display, and how many repetitions of the
message you want to display.
In the following example, what we’ve manually entered in the Crawl text
field will actually be displayed using the description as written.
1. You can enter up to 5000 characters in a single entry, allowing the
text to ‘wrap’ in the display. That message will display in its entirety
as entered.
2. When you press the ENTER key after a line of text, the next text
entry will follow the previous entry in the scrolling message, with
the two messages separated by a user-defined number of spaces.
The default is four (4) spaces.
: specify if you want to
Use Text
Use Graphic
in the
Tab of the Configure menu
. The Bullet is the default Message
You can also browse to and display text from any number of
Text Files
that have previously been prepared.
paste RSS feed links
for crawl display, with the option to Save and
Load links for your convenience.