2. Serial Protocols
ROS® v3.11User Guide
PostTX Delay
Synopsis: 0 to 15
Default: 15 bits
The number of data bits needed to generate required delay with configured baudrate after
the last bit of the packet was sent out before serial UART starts listening to the RX line.
This value is relevant for RS485 interfaces only.
Hold Time
Synopsis: 1 to 15000 ms or { off }
Default: off
The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that the serial packet can be held in the
queue before being sent to the serial line. Time is measured from the moment the packet
is received from the IP layer.
Synopsis: 0 to 63
Default: 0
Sets the DS byte in the IP header. DS byte setting is supported in the egress direction only.
RXtoTX Delay
Synopsis: 0 ms to 1000 ms
Default: 0 ms
The minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, that the transmission of a new message
delays after the last message is received through the serial port. This parameter is
especially useful for half duplex transmission modes, such as the two-wire RS485 serial
protocol. It provides the connected device with time to turn off its transmitter and to turn on
its receiver, helping to ensure that the device receives the next message without data loss.
2.3.2. Raw Socket
Figure 2.12. Raw Socket Table