1. Administration
ROS® v3.11User Guide
RMC30 Configuring NTP Service
ROS® may optionally be configured to refer periodically to a specified NTP server to correct
any accumulated drift in the on-board clock. ROS® will also serve time via SNTP to hosts
that request it.
Two NTP servers (primary and secondary) may be configured for the device. The primary
server is contacted first upon each attempt to update the system time. If the primary server
fails to respond, the secondary server is contacted. If either the primary or secondary server
fails to respond, an alarm is raised.
Figure 1.13. NTP Server List
Figure 1.14. NTP Server Form
Synopsis: Primary, Secondary
This field displays the chosen NTP server. The remaining fields on this form correspond
to the chosen server.
IP Address
Synopsis: ###.###.###.### where ### ranges from 0 to 255
This parameter specifies the IP address of an (S)NTP server ((Simple) Network Time
Protocol); programming an address of '' disables SNTP requests. This device is an
SNTP client which may connect to only one server. If a server address is programmed
then a manual setting of the time will be overwritten at the next update period.
Update Period
Synopsis: 1 to 1440
Default: 60 min
This setting determines how frequently the (S)NTP server is polled for a time update. If the
server cannot be reached, three attempts are made at one-minute intervals and then an
alarm is generated, at which point the programmed rate is resumed.